Friday, September 21, 2007

Weekend long runs and mental fortitude:

This is going to be my longest weekend to date in my Marathon training program.
On Saturday I have to run 8, ok no big deal 8 is like an average medium run for me now, heck I ran 9 last night in the dark.
But the real run is on Sunday, this is the run that has been waking me up in the middle of the night. Just thinking of this run makes me sweaty any my stomach starts to knot up. This is the 18 miler! 18 miles will be the furthest I have ever run and I am starting to freak out. I’ve been doubting my running abilities and my great idea of running a marathon and just feeling a little overwhelmed with the idea of running 26.2. What was I thinking? What if I fail and never finish the race, plus I’m sure everyone else is faster and more experienced. I am going to feel foolish when the gun goes off and everyone smokes me. Why did I sign up? It sounded so cool; yeah I was going to run a marathon. Just plain crazy talk.
Come on man snap out of it, this is an epic journey filled with highs and lows and I am just in a bit of a low, I can get past this little bump. I knew I was going to have lows, this was expected. I have to dig deep and get over my excuses; I know I can do this, this crazy thing, this thing that has been running (pun intended) my life for the last 11 weeks. 18 miles, that’s easy. I am going to kick its ass, 18 miles, Sunday is going to be a blast, I love running. Yeah, that’s right, I love running, I’ve been training hard, and my body has been getting stronger. What the hell was I worried about. It’s all coming back to me now, I LOVE RUNNING!

When I see you on the road, I’ll wave,


Wes said...

Out home girl Sarah just finished her third marathon in 6.5 hours (Maui). How cool is that? Michelle, who rarely runs faster than an 11 minute mile, is a marathon maniac. What an inspiration! You will do awesome in your run and your marathon.

Ya, I'll see ya at two bridges. I'm thinking about doing the 10 mile option at Chickamauga instead of the Silver Comet. I have 20 to do the day of the SCT but "only" 7 to do the day of Chicamauga. It might fit better into my plans.

Have a great run this weekend...

Ron said...

You're getting the hang of it. The most powerful muscle we have is our brain, which if we let it-it will pull us through whatever miles are on the docket.

All of us struggle with mid-marathon training grief. You'll be fine, trust your training. Think of it this way, two reps. of a nine miler, that's sounds easier to run than one 18 miler. At least that's my take.

Wait till you start your taper, then every pain will appear and you'll become paranoid about making it to the start line. But have no fear, it's just in your head.

Panic is natural, but so is running.

See ya on the road, runron.

Nicole said...

Don't worry! You're physical training is going well; now it's the time to train your brain to keep positive. You can do it! and Good Luck Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Good to see another first timer running Chickamauga. Hopefully the weather will be good for us. About 3 weeks ago on a long run day I was thinking thoughts like.. (marathon, yea right. I can't even get motivated to get out the door for 18.)
Hang in there. I don't want to be the only newbie.

Run4Fun said...

It's a small, small world.... Found your comment on re: 1/2 marathon course in Atlanta, posted a comment there but didn't hear from you. So I thought I'd follow your blog link. First comment under your most recent post mentions Sarah, with whom I "ran" the Maui marathon a couple of weeks ago.

I think she and her hubbie will be running with several others of us on the morning of the 13th in celebration of the Worldwide Half Marathon. We'll launch at 8:00a from the All Saints Church parking lot. There will be some support (water and probably some sweets) and much moral support. We don't expect more than a dozen or so runners, but that could change if others sign up. Please let me know if you're interested; I'm happy to get you additional info....