Monday, May 12, 2008

Five more days!

I've got FIVE more days until my race, oh how I've waited to this week to come, and now it's here.

I'm sick this week and I can't believe it, not just sick, but I need a pillow sick.

I when to see my doctor today and I have sinus infection, WTF doesn't my sinuses know I've got 5 days until my race.

So my Doc put me on Zithromax, Singulair and Claritin and an afternoon nap.

It's been a hard few days I missed my last three days of workouts and I feeling a little sad about it.

All this sickness came from my Brother in-law, dip shit, comes to my house for a week and tells me after I start with the runny nose he just kicked a cold.

I hope I've kept it contained, I do like to share but not this stuff.

Someone please say a prayer for me.

Ok, I'm off too bed.


Wes said...

Stupid dipshit :-) Take your drugs and get some rest bro. Rest easy knowing you are ready and will be fine come this weekend.

Sarah said...

Ugh!! Rest up though, the hay is in the barn and even if you take this week off, you'll be fine.

Sam said...

You've already put in the time so don't worry about missing a training session. Relax this week and enjoy the race!

Iron Bach said...

Found your blog as we were look for IronKid info. Sullivan, our 8 yr old, will do his this summer. Congrats to Emily!

And for the sickness, yeap, don't even worry about it - you'll be fine. What's your bib #?

Have fun out there!

Marcy said...

Rest up!! Hope you get better ASAP! :-)

Brian said...

Thanks for all the encouragement.

I'm feeling better today.
Knowing what my problem is and knowing that I've taken the actions to correct it it really making me feel better.



Brian said...

My bib # is 855.
Emily wants to do IronKids again, she talks about it at least once a week.
I've gone to the and it looks like it's still being updated.


akshaye said...

Hey Brian.. good to find another local blogger! Hope you feel better .. rest up for the rest of the week