Monday, July 30, 2007

Long runs cleanse the body and the soul.

Well, last week was good, I made all my runs and felt pretty good.
I had a weekly mileage of 25 miles, and ran slightly over it with 25.5.
Sunday was my long run and I had a blast. I slept in a bit, felt good just to ignore the clock, got going around 08:00 am. It was about 75 degrees with humidity around 80%, luckily it was overcast or I would have been road kill. I got back to the house completely soaked, none of the dry fabrics work when the humidity is above 60%. Its days like this that make you, I mean when you run in weather like this it make you a better runner both physically and mentally. I think that training yourself for the mental battles is 50% of the race, you have to put in your time in, on the road and in your head.

Thoughts for last week:
My knees are a little sore and had run down a bunch of hills too hard and I am paying for it. This week I am going to take it easy on the hills, I am much too early in my training for an injury, I got to play it safe.

Next up:
This week and have a cross day for Mon, 3 on Tues, 6 on Wed, 3 on Thurs, off on Fri, 6 on Sat and 11 on Sunday. So a pretty good week, this is my biggest week in quite some time, giving me 29 for the week. I think I might need to swap Saturday and Sunday as I think I will have to spend Sunday morning working from home, and with the heat the morning is the best/only time to do longer runs.

Things that I think about:
During my long runs I have time to think. That sounds a little funny, time to think, well what the hell am I doing all week… What I mean to say is I have a few hours to spend thinking of my family, my relationship with my wife, and hit rewind and review. I try to work though the questions, am I the best farther, husband and colleague I can be, am I giving 100%. Boy, these are hard questions to answer, but worth asking.

Life is what you make if it, so don’t cheat it.

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